
How can you help?

Are you wanting to help with RAGBRAI’s visit to Mason City?  We are in need of volunteers and would love to have you! From event planning and preparation to day-of volunteer opportunities, there are a variety of ways to get involved. Please use the link below to tell us a little bit about yourself and what areas you are most interested in. 

Looking for the 2022 volunteer handbook? Click here!

Here are some examples of committees and the tasks volunteers would be helping with:

Hospitality:  volunteers are needed to make sure our guests receive a warm small town Iowa greeting upon their arrival and an enthusiastic farewell as they depart. Hospitality volunteers will also decorate the town and carry out the theme.

Beverage Garden:  We are looking for volunteers to help with checking IDs at the entrance and exit points of the beverage garden as well as serving inside designated areas.

Information Center:  We are looking for volunteers to cover all of the information booths to answer questions, direct riders where to go and location of vending, entertainment, etc.

Sanitation:  We are looking for individuals, organizations and/or committees to help keep campgrounds and the square clean.   


Ready to volunteer?  Please fill out the form below and we'll contact you after we've made a master volunteer list. 

Click here for our volunteer sign-up form.